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Dining Etiquette: Asia vs. Europe
Most people in the West are usually raised with some basic understanding of what is acceptable at the table and how to eat certain foods....

How to Succeed in International Business - Cultural Etiquette in Business
Business etiquette, international business etiquette, travel etiquette or social etiquette – depending on the situation and circumstance,...

I thought he was checking me out… Misinterpreting non-verbal communication across cultures
I will never forget one of the dilemmas I ran into when I went on my first trip to the Philippines. My husband introduced me to one of...

4 Myths of Living Abroad
For many, the concept of living abroad has to do with being rich, being a student or knowing the right people who can place you in a...

How to Combat Culture Shock when Living Abroad
“There are no foreign lands. It is the traveler only who is foreign.” Robert Louis Stevenson. Going on a big trip, preparing to move or...

How Living Abroad Makes You Appreciate the Small Things in Life
Materialism receives a new definition when living abroad. Yes, you will be enticed to buying all those souvenirs while traveling and send...

Being the "Odd One Out" in a Foreign Country
When you are in your “own” country where you grew up, you kind of take your nationality and how you do things for granted. It is only...

How Living Abroad Redefines Friendship
I think most people who have lived abroad for many years would say that they are not the same person they were when they left their...

How to Avoid Cultural Misunderstandings when Traveling or Doing Business
90% of all misunderstandings are not due to what was said, but due to tone. How much more when it comes to misunderstandings between...

Doing Business in Japan - Basic Etiquette
Is it your first time to meet Japanese business clients? How should you greet them or exchange business cards? Have you ever wondered how...

Teach in China!
Have you ever dreamed of going to China to teach? Are you a teacher by profession and looking for a change? Or do you simply want to go...

Why you are not Succeeding in a Foreign Country
I was very surprised and maybe somewhat shocked recently when I was told I should not be offended by something that was said to my...

How to do Business in Germany
Did you know that there are over 300 kinds of bread in Germany? That there is a barbie doll modelled on Germany's chancellor Angela...
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